API Reference

class xmpp.networking.XMPPConnection(host, port=5222, debug=False, auto_reconnect=False, queue_class=<class Queue.Queue>, hwm_in=256, hwm_out=256, recv_chunk_size=65536)[source]

Event-based TCP/TLS connection.

It buffers up received messages and also the messages to be sent.

  • host – a string containing a domain or ip address. If a domain is given the name will be resolved before connecting.
  • port – defaults to 5222. If you are using a component you might point to 5347 or something else.
  • debugbool defaults to False: whether to print the XML traffic on stderr
  • queue_classbool defaults to :py:class`Queue.Queue`
  • hwm_inint defaults to 256: how many incomming messages to buffer before blocking
  • hwm_outint defaults to 256: how many outcomming messages to buffer before blocking
  • recv_chunk_sizeint defaults to 65536: how many bytes to read at a time.



disconencts the socket

published events:

  • tcp_disconnect("intentional") - when succeeded
Returns:True if the connection is alive

entrypoint for any mainloop.

basically call this continuously to keep the connection up


reads from the socket and populates the read queue :param connection: a socket that is ready to write


consumes the write queue and writes to the given socket

Parameters:connection – a socket that is ready to write

retrieves a message from the queue, returns None if there are no messages.

Parameters:timeoutint in seconds

reconnects the socket

published events:

  • tcp_restablished(host) - when succeeded
  • tcp_failed(host) - when failed

resolves the given host

send(data, timeout=3)[source]

adds bytes to the be sent in the next time the socket is ready

  • data – the data to be sent
  • timeoutint in seconds

sends a whitespace keepalive to avoid connection timeouts and dead connections

published events:

  • tcp_disconnect("intentional") - when succeeded
class xmpp.stream.XMLStream(connection, debug=False)[source]

XML Stream behavior class.

  • connection – a XMPPConnection instance
  • debug – whether to print errors to the stderr
add_contact(contact_jid, from_jid=None, groups=None)[source]

adds a contact to the roster of the bound_jid or the provided from_jid parameter.

Automatically sends a <presence type="subscribe"> with a subsequent <iq type="set">.

  • contact_jid – the jid to add in the roster
  • from_jid – custom from= field to designate the owner of the roster
  • groups – a list of strings with group names to categorize this contact in the roster

sends an <iq type="set"><resource>name</resource></iq> in order to bind the resource

Parameters:name – the name of the resource

a JID or None

Automatically captured from the XML traffic.


sends a final </stream:stream> to the server then immediately closes the bound TCP connection,disposes it and resets the minimum state kept by the stream, so it can be reutilized right away.

feed(data, attempt=1)[source]

feeds the stream with incoming data from the XMPP server. This is the basic entrypoint for usage with the XML received from the XMPPConnection

Parameters:data – the XML string

returns the stream id provided by the server. <stream:stream id="SOMETHING">

Mainly used by the authenticate() when crafting the secret.


reloads all the available extensions bound to this stream


Sends a <stream:stream xmlns=”jabber:client”> to the given domain

Parameters:domain – the FQDN of the XMPP server

attempts to parse whatever is in the buffer of the incremental XML parser and creates a new parser.

ready_to_read(_, connection)[source]

event handler for the on.ready_to_read event of a XMPP Connection.

You should probably never have to call this by hand, use bind() instead

ready_to_write(_, connection)[source]

even handler for the on.ready_to_write event of a XMPP Connection.

You should probably never have to call this by hand, use bind() instead


resets the minimal state of the XML Stream, that is: * attributes of the <stream> sent by the server during negotiation, used by id() * a bound JID sent by the server * a successful sasl result node to leverage has_gone_through_sasl()


sends a XML serialized Node through the bound XMPP connection

Parameters:node – the Node
send_message(message, to, **params)[source]
  • message – the string with the message
  • to – the jid to send the message to
  • **params

    keyword args for designating attributes of the message

send_presence(to=None, delay=None, priority=10, **params)[source]

sends presence

  • to – jid to receive presence.
  • delay – if set, it must be a ISO compatible date string
  • priority – the priority of this resource
send_sasl_auth(mechanism, message)[source]

sends a SASL response to the server in order to proceed with authentication handshakes

Parameters:mechanism – the name of SASL mechanism (i.e. SCRAM-SHA-1, PLAIN, EXTERNAL)
send_sasl_response(mechanism, message)[source]

sends a SASL response to the server in order to proceed with authentication handshakes

Parameters:mechanism – the name of SASL mechanism (i.e. SCRAM-SHA-1, PLAIN, EXTERNAL)
class xmpp.models.node.Node(element, closed=False)[source]

Base class for all XML node definitions.

The xmpp library only supports XML tags that are explicitly defined as python classes that inherit from this one.

classmethod create(_stringcontent=None, **kw)[source]

creates a node instance

  • _stringcontent – the content text of the tag, if any
  • **kw

    keyword arguments that will become tag attributes

class xmpp.models.core.ClientStream(element, closed=False)[source]

<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:client' version="1.0" xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' />

class xmpp.models.core.IQ(element, closed=False)[source]


class xmpp.models.core.IQRegister(element, closed=False)[source]

<register xmlns="http://jabber.org/features/iq-register" />

class xmpp.models.core.Message(element, closed=False)[source]

<message type="chat"></message>

exception xmpp.models.core.MissingJID[source]

raised when trying to send a stanza but it is missing either the “to” or “from” fields

class xmpp.models.core.Presence(element, closed=False)[source]


class xmpp.models.core.ProceedTLS(element, closed=False)[source]

<proceed xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls" />

class xmpp.models.core.SASLMechanism(element, closed=False)[source]


class xmpp.models.core.SASLMechanismSet(element, closed=False)[source]

<mechanisms xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl"></mechanisms>

class xmpp.models.core.StartTLS(element, closed=False)[source]

<starttls xmlns="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-tls" />

class xmpp.models.core.StreamFeatures(element, closed=False)[source]


SASL authentication implementaion for PyXMPP.

Normative reference:
xmpp.sasl.filter_mechanism_list(mechanisms, properties, allow_insecure=False, server_side=False)[source]

Filter a mechanisms list only to include those mechanisms that cans succeed with the provided properties and are secure enough.

  • mechanisms: list of the mechanisms names
  • properties: available authentication properties
  • allow_insecure: allow insecure mechanisms
  • mechanisms: sequence of unicode
  • properties: mapping
  • allow_insecure: bool

list of unicode

xmpp.sasl.server_authenticator_factory(mechanism, password_database)[source]

Create a server authenticator object for given SASL mechanism and password databaser.

  • mechanism: name of the SASL mechanism (“PLAIN”, “DIGEST-MD5” or “GSSAPI”).
  • password_database: name of the password database object to be used for authentication credentials verification.
  • mechanism: str
  • password_database: PasswordDatabase

KeyError – if no server authenticator is available for this mechanism


new authenticator.




Create a client authenticator object for given SASL mechanism.

  • mechanism: name of the SASL mechanism (“PLAIN”, “DIGEST-MD5” or “GSSAPI”).
  • mechanism: unicode

KeyError – if no client authenticator is available for this mechanism


new authenticator.



class xmpp.sasl.Success(properties=None, data=None)[source]

The success SASL message (sent by the server on authentication success).

class xmpp.sasl.Failure(reason)[source]

The failure SASL message.

  • reason: the failure reason.
  • reason: unicode.
class xmpp.sasl.Challenge(data)[source]

The challenge SASL message (server’s challenge for the client).

class xmpp.sasl.Response(data)[source]

The response SASL message (clients’s reply the server’s challenge).

class xmpp.sasl.Reply(data=None)[source]

Base class for SASL authentication reply objects.

  • data: optional reply data.
  • data: bytes

Base64-encode the data contained in the reply when appropriate.

Returns:encoded data.
class xmpp.sasl.PasswordDatabase[source]

Password database interface.

PasswordDatabase object is responsible for providing or verification of user authentication credentials on a server.

All the methods of the PasswordDatabase may be overridden in derived classes for specific authentication and authorization policy.

check_password(username, password, properties)[source]

Check the password validity.

Used by plain-text authentication mechanisms.

Default implementation: retrieve a “plain” password for the username and realm using self.get_password and compare it with the password provided.

May be overridden e.g. to check the password against some external authentication mechanism (PAM, LDAP, etc.).

  • username: the username for which the password verification is requested.
  • password: the password to verify.
  • properties: mapping with authentication properties (those provided to the authenticator’s start() method plus some already obtained via the mechanism).
  • username: unicode
  • password: unicode
  • properties: mapping

True if the password is valid.



get_password(username, acceptable_formats, properties)[source]

Get the password for user authentication.

By default returns (None, None) providing no password. Should be overridden in derived classes unless only check_password functionality is available.

  • username: the username for which the password is requested.
  • acceptable_formats: a sequence of acceptable formats of the password data. Could be “plain” (plain text password), “md5:user:realm:password” (MD5 hex digest of user:realm:password) or any other mechanism-specific encoding. This allows non-plain-text storage of passwords. But only “plain” format will work with all password authentication mechanisms.
  • properties: mapping with authentication properties (those provided to the authenticator’s start() method plus some already obtained via the mechanism).
  • username: unicode
  • acceptable_formats: sequence of unicode
  • properties: mapping

the password and its encoding (format).


unicode,`unicode` tuple.