Source code for xmpp.sasl.core

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) <2016-2017> Gabriel Falcao <>
# (C) Copyright 2003-2011 Jacek Konieczny <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version
# 3 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

"""Base classes for PyXMPP SASL implementation.

Normative reference:
  - `RFC 4422 <>`__

Authentication properties

Most authentication mechanisms needs some data to identify the
authenticating entity and/or to provide characteristics of the communication
channel. These are passed as a `properties` mapping to the ``.start()``
method to a server or client authenticator.

Similar mechanism is used to return data obtained via the authentication
process: the `Success` object has a `` attribute with
the data obtained.

The mapping contains name->value pairs. Meaning of those is generally
mechanism-dependant, but these are the usually expected properties:

  * For input to the ``start()`` method:

    * ``"username"`` - the user name. Required by all password based mechanisms.
    * ``"password"`` - the user's password.  Required by all password based
    * ``"authzid"`` - authorization id. Optional for most mechanisms.
    * ``"security-layer"`` - security layer if any. ``"TLS"`` when TLS is in
    * ``"channel-binding"`` - mapping of 'channel binding type' to 'channel
      binding date' if available on the channel
    * ``"service-type"`` - service type as required by the DIGEST-MD5 protocol
    * ``"service-domain"`` - service domain (the 'serv-name' or 'host' part of
      diges-uri of DIGEST-MD5)
    * ``"service-hostname"`` - service host name (the 'host' par of diges-uri
      of DIGEST-MD5)
    * ``"remote-ip"`` - remote IP address
    * ``"realm"`` - the realm to use if needed
    * ``"realms"`` - list of acceptable realms
    * ``"available_mechanisms"`` - mechanism list provided by peer
    * ``"enabled_mechanisms"`` - mechanisms enabled on our side

  * For output, via the `` attribute:

    * ``"username"`` - the authenticated user name
    * ``"authzid"`` - the authorization id
    * ``"realm"`` - the realm


from __future__ import absolute_import, division

import uuid
import hashlib
import logging

from base64 import standard_b64encode

from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod


    from abc import abstractclassmethod
except ImportError:

    abstractclassmethod = classmethod

logger = logging.getLogger("xmpp.sasl.core")



[docs]class PasswordDatabase: """Password database interface. PasswordDatabase object is responsible for providing or verification of user authentication credentials on a server. All the methods of the `PasswordDatabase` may be overridden in derived classes for specific authentication and authorization policy. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
[docs] def get_password(self, username, acceptable_formats, properties): """Get the password for user authentication. By default returns (None, None) providing no password. Should be overridden in derived classes unless only `check_password` functionality is available. :Parameters: - `username`: the username for which the password is requested. - `acceptable_formats`: a sequence of acceptable formats of the password data. Could be "plain" (plain text password), "md5:user:realm:password" (MD5 hex digest of user:realm:password) or any other mechanism-specific encoding. This allows non-plain-text storage of passwords. But only "plain" format will work with all password authentication mechanisms. - `properties`: mapping with authentication properties (those provided to the authenticator's ``start()`` method plus some already obtained via the mechanism). :Types: - `username`: `unicode` - `acceptable_formats`: sequence of `unicode` - `properties`: mapping :return: the password and its encoding (format). :returntype: `unicode`,`unicode` tuple. """ return None, None
[docs] def check_password(self, username, password, properties): """Check the password validity. Used by plain-text authentication mechanisms. Default implementation: retrieve a "plain" password for the `username` and `realm` using `self.get_password` and compare it with the password provided. May be overridden e.g. to check the password against some external authentication mechanism (PAM, LDAP, etc.). :Parameters: - `username`: the username for which the password verification is requested. - `password`: the password to verify. - `properties`: mapping with authentication properties (those provided to the authenticator's ``start()`` method plus some already obtained via the mechanism). :Types: - `username`: `unicode` - `password`: `unicode` - `properties`: mapping :return: `True` if the password is valid. :returntype: `bool` """ logger.debug("check_password{0!r}".format( (username, password, properties))) pwd, pwd_format = self.get_password(username, (u"plain", u"md5:user:realm:password"), properties) if pwd_format == u"plain": logger.debug("got plain password: {0!r}".format(pwd)) return pwd is not None and password == pwd elif pwd_format in (u"md5:user:realm:password"): logger.debug("got md5:user:realm:password password: {0!r}" .format(pwd)) realm = properties.get("realm") if realm is None: realm = "" else: realm = realm.encode("utf-8") username = username.encode("utf-8") password = password.encode("utf-8") urp_hash = hashlib.md5(b"%s:%s:%s").hexdigest() return urp_hash == pwd logger.debug( "got password in unknown format: {0!r}".format(pwd_format)) return False
def default_nonce_factory(): """Generate a random string for digest authentication challenges. The string should be cryptographicaly secure random pattern. :return: the string generated. :returntype: `bytes` """ return uuid.uuid4().hex.encode("us-ascii")
[docs]class Reply(object): """Base class for SASL authentication reply objects. :Ivariables: - `data`: optional reply data. :Types: - `data`: `bytes` """ def __init__(self, data=None): """Initialize the `Reply` object. :Parameters: - `data`: optional reply data. :Types: - `data`: `bytes` """ = data
[docs] def encode(self): """Base64-encode the data contained in the reply when appropriate. :return: encoded data. :returntype: `unicode` """ if is None: return "" elif not return "=" else: ret = standard_b64encode( return ret.decode("us-ascii")
[docs]class Challenge(Reply): """The challenge SASL message (server's challenge for the client).""" def __init__(self, data): """Initialize the `Challenge` object.""" Reply.__init__(self, data) def __repr__(self): return "<sasl.Challenge: {0!r}>".format(
[docs]class Response(Reply): """The response SASL message (clients's reply the server's challenge).""" def __init__(self, data): """Initialize the `Response` object.""" Reply.__init__(self, data) def __repr__(self): return "<sasl.Response: {0!r}>".format(
[docs]class Failure(Reply): """The failure SASL message. :Ivariables: - `reason`: the failure reason. :Types: - `reason`: `unicode`. """ def __init__(self, reason): """Initialize the `Failure` object. :Parameters: - `reason`: the failure reason. :Types: - `reason`: `unicode`. """ Reply.__init__(self, None) self.reason = reason def __repr__(self): return "<sasl.Failure: {0!r}>".format(self.reason)
[docs]class Success(Reply): """The success SASL message (sent by the server on authentication success). """ def __init__(self, properties=None, data=None): """Initialize the `Success` object. :Parameters: - `properties`: the `authentication properties`_ obtained - `data`: the success data to be sent to the client :Types: - `properties`: mapping - `data`: `bytes` """ Reply.__init__(self, data) if properties: = properties else: = {} def __repr__(self): return "<sasl.Success: {0!r} data: {1!r}>".format(,
class ClientAuthenticator: """Base class for client authenticators. A client authenticator class is a client-side implementation of a SASL mechanism. One `ClientAuthenticator` object may be used for one client authentication process. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self): """Initialize a `ClientAuthenticator` object.""" pass @abstractclassmethod def are_properties_sufficient(cls, properties): """Check if the provided properties are sufficient for this authentication mechanism. If `are_properties_sufficient` returns False for given `properties` mapping, the `start` method of `cls` instance will also fail with such argument. :Parameters: - `properties`: the `authentication properties`_ :Types: - `properties`: mapping :Return: if the mechanism can be used with those properties """ return False @abstractmethod def start(self, properties): """Start the authentication process. :Parameters: - `properties`: the `authentication properties`_ :Types: - `properties`: mapping :return: the initial response to send to the server or a failuer indicator. :returntype: `Response` or `Failure` """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def challenge(self, challenge): """Process the server's challenge. :Parameters: - `challenge`: the challenge. :Types: - `challenge`: `bytes` :return: the response or a failure indicator. :returntype: `Response` or `Failure`""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def finish(self, data): """Handle authentication succes information from the server. :Parameters: - `data`: the optional additional data returned with the success. :Types: - `data`: `bytes` :return: success or failure indicator. :returntype: `Success` or `Failure`""" raise NotImplementedError class ServerAuthenticator: """Base class for server authenticators. A server authenticator class is a server-side implementation of a SASL mechanism. One `ServerAuthenticator` object may be used for one client authentication process. """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, password_database): """Initialize a `ServerAuthenticator` object. :Parameters: - `password_database`: a password database :Types: - `password_database`: `PasswordDataBase` """ self.password_database = password_database @classmethod def are_properties_sufficient(cls, properties): """Check if the provided properties are sufficient for this authentication mechanism. If `are_properties_sufficient` returns False for given `properties` mapping, the `start` method of `cls` instance will also fail with such argument. :Parameters: - `properties`: the `authentication properties`_ :Types: - `properties`: mapping :Return: if the mechanism can be used with those properties """ return True @abstractmethod def start(self, properties, initial_response): """Start the authentication process. :Parameters: - `properties`: the `authentication properties`_ - `initial_response`: the initial response send by the client with the authentication request. :Types: - `properties`: mapping - `initial_response`: `bytes` :return: a challenge, a success or a failure indicator. :returntype: `Challenge` or `Failure` or `Success`""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def response(self, response): """Process a response from a client. :Parameters: - `response`: the response from the client to our challenge. :Types: - `response`: `bytes` :return: a challenge, a success or a failure indicator. :returntype: `Challenge` or `Success` or `Failure`""" raise NotImplementedError def _key_func(item): """Key function used for sorting SASL authenticator classes """ klass = item[1] return (klass._pyxmpp_sasl_secure, klass._pyxmpp_sasl_preference) def _register_client_authenticator(klass, name): """Add a client authenticator class to `CLIENT_MECHANISMS_D`, `CLIENT_MECHANISMS` and, optionally, to `SECURE_CLIENT_MECHANISMS` """ CLIENT_MECHANISMS_D[name] = klass items = sorted(CLIENT_MECHANISMS_D.items(), key=_key_func, reverse=True) CLIENT_MECHANISMS[:] = [k for (k, v) in items] SECURE_CLIENT_MECHANISMS[:] = [k for (k, v) in items if v._pyxmpp_sasl_secure] def _register_server_authenticator(klass, name): """Add a client authenticator class to `SERVER_MECHANISMS_D`, `SERVER_MECHANISMS` and, optionally, to `SECURE_SERVER_MECHANISMS` """ SERVER_MECHANISMS_D[name] = klass items = sorted(SERVER_MECHANISMS_D.items(), key=_key_func, reverse=True) SERVER_MECHANISMS[:] = [k for (k, v) in items] SECURE_SERVER_MECHANISMS[:] = [k for (k, v) in items if v._pyxmpp_sasl_secure] def sasl_mechanism(name, secure, preference=50): """Class decorator generator for `ClientAuthenticator` or `ServerAuthenticator` subclasses. Adds the class to the pyxmpp.sasl mechanism registry. :Parameters: - `name`: SASL mechanism name - `secure`: if the mechanims can be considered secure - `True` if it can be used over plain-text channel - `preference`: mechanism preference level (the higher the better) :Types: - `name`: `unicode` - `secure`: `bool` - `preference`: `int` """ def decorator(klass): """The decorator.""" klass._pyxmpp_sasl_secure = secure klass._pyxmpp_sasl_preference = preference if issubclass(klass, ClientAuthenticator): _register_client_authenticator(klass, name) elif issubclass(klass, ServerAuthenticator): _register_server_authenticator(klass, name) else: raise TypeError("Not a ClientAuthenticator" " or ServerAuthenticator class") return klass return decorator # vi: sts=4 et sw=4