Source code for xmpp.networking.core

# <xmpp - stateless and concurrency-agnostic XMPP library for python>
# Copyright (C) <2016-2017> Gabriel Falcao <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
# License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# import ssl
import random
import socket
import logging
import Queue
import dns.resolver

from speakers import Speaker as Events
# from xmpp import security
from xmpp.util import stderr
from xmpp.networking.util import create_tcp_socket
from xmpp.networking.util import address_is_ip
from xmpp.networking.util import socket_ready

logger = logging.getLogger('xmpp.networking')


def create_connection_events():
    return Events('connection', [
        'tcp_established',    # the TCP connection was established
        'tcp_restablished',   # the TCP connection was lost and restablished
        'tcp_downgraded',     # the TLS connection was downgraded to TCP
        'tcp_disconnect',     # the TCP connection was lost
        'tcp_failed',         # the TCP connection failed to be established

        'tls_established',    # the TLS connection was established
        'tls_invalid_chain',  # the TLS handshake failed for invalid chain
        'tls_invalid_cert',   # the TLS handshake failed for invalid server cert
        'tls_failed',         # failed to establish a TLS connection
        'tls_start',          # started SSL negotiation

        'write',              # the TCP/TLS connection has sent data
        'read',               # the TCP/TLS connection has received data
        'ready_to_write',     # the TCP/TLS connection is ready to send data
        'ready_to_read',      # the TCP/TLS connection is ready to receive data

[docs]class XMPPConnection(object): """Event-based TCP/TLS connection. It buffers up received messages and also the messages to be sent. :param host: a string containing a domain or ip address. If a domain is given the name will be resolved before connecting. :param port: defaults to ``5222``. If you are using a component you might point to ``5347`` or something else. :param debug: ``bool`` defaults to ``False``: whether to print the XML traffic on stderr :param queue_class: ``bool`` defaults to :py:class`Queue.Queue` :param hwm_in: ``int`` defaults to 256: how many incomming messages to buffer before blocking :param hwm_out: ``int`` defaults to 256: how many outcomming messages to buffer before blocking :param recv_chunk_size: ``int`` defaults to ``65536``: how many bytes to read at a time. """ def __init__(self, host, port=5222, debug=False, auto_reconnect=False, queue_class=Queue.Queue, hwm_in=256, hwm_out=256, recv_chunk_size=65536): self.socket = None self.tls_context = None = bytes(host) self.port = int(port) self.read_queue = queue_class(hwm_in) self.write_queue = queue_class(hwm_out) self.recv_chunk_size = int(recv_chunk_size) self.__alive = False self.on = create_connection_events() if debug: self.on.tcp_established(lambda event, data: stderr.bold_green("TCP ESTABLISHED: {0}".format(data))) self.on.tcp_restablished(lambda event, data: stderr.bold_blue("TCP RESTABLISHED: {0}".format(data))) self.on.tcp_downgraded(lambda event, data: stderr.bold_cyan("TCP DOWNGRADED: {0}".format(data))) self.on.tcp_disconnect(lambda event, data: stderr.bold_red("TCP DISCONNECT: {0}".format(data))) self.on.tcp_failed(lambda event, data:"TCP FAILED: {0}".format(data))) self.on.tls_established(lambda event, pem_cert:"SSL ESTABLISHED: {0}".format(pem_cert))) self.on.tls_failed(lambda event, error:"SSL FAILED: {0}".format(error))) self.on.tls_invalid_chain(lambda event, error:"SSL INVALID CHAIN: {0}".format(error))) self.on.tls_invalid_cert(lambda event, error:"SSL INVALID CERT: {0}".format(error))) self.on.tls_start(lambda event, tls: stderr.bold_magenta("SSL NEGOTIATION STARTED: {0}".format(tls))) event, data: stderr.yellow("XMPP RECV: {0}".format(data))) self.on.write(lambda event, data:"XMPP SEND: {0}".format(data))) if auto_reconnect: self.on.tcp_disconnect(lambda event, data: self.reconnect())
[docs] def reconnect(self, timeout_in_seconds=3): """reconnects the socket **published events**: * ``tcp_restablished(host)`` - when succeeded * ``tcp_failed(host)`` - when failed :param timeout_in_seconds: """ self.socket = create_tcp_socket(keep_alive_seconds=3, max_fails=5) try: self.socket.connect((, self.port)) self.on.tcp_restablished.shout(":".join(map(bytes, [, self.port]))) self.__alive = True except Exception as e: self.__alive = False logger.exception("Failed to connect to %s:%s",, self.port) self.on.tcp_failed.shout(e) self.connect(timeout_in_seconds)
[docs] def resolve_dns(self): """resolves the given host""" answers = dns.resolver.query(, 'A') = random.choice(answers).address
[docs] def disconnect(self): """disconencts the socket **published events**: * ``tcp_disconnect("intentional")`` - when succeeded :param timeout_in_seconds: """ try: self.socket.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) except socket.error: logger.debug('connection closed') try: self.socket.close() except: logger.exception("failed to close") self.__alive = False self.socket = None self.on.tcp_disconnect.shout("intentional")
[docs] def connect(self, timeout_in_seconds=3): """connects :param timeout_in_seconds: """ # test this without an internet connection to handle edge # cases if self.socket: # TODO: report already connected return if not address_is_ip( try: self.resolve_dns() except dns.resolver.NoAnswer as e: self.on.tcp_failed.shout('failed to resolve: {0}'.format( return self.socket = create_tcp_socket(keep_alive_seconds=3, max_fails=5) try: self.socket.connect((, self.port)) self.on.tcp_established.shout( self.__alive = True except Exception as e: self.__alive = False logger.exception("Failed to connect to %s:%s",, self.port) self.on.tcp_failed.shout(str(e))
[docs] def send_whitespace_keepalive(self, timeout=3): """sends a whitespace keepalive to avoid `connection timeouts <>`_ and `dead connections <>`_ **published events**: * ``tcp_disconnect("intentional")`` - when succeeded :param timeout_in_seconds: """ connection = socket_ready(self.socket, timeout) if connection.write: try: connection.write.sendall(b' ') return True except socket.error as e: self.on.tcp_disconnect.shout(str(e)) return False
[docs] def is_alive(self): """ :returns: ``True`` if the connection is alive """ return self.__alive
[docs] def perform_write(self, connection): """ consumes the write queue and writes to the given socket :param connection: a socket that is ready to write """ self.on.ready_to_write.shout(self) try: data = self.write_queue.get(block=False, timeout=3) except Queue.Empty: return try: connection.sendall(data) self.on.write.shout(data) except socket.error as e: self.write_queue.put(data, block=False) self.on.tcp_disconnect.shout(str(e)) logger.warning('failed to write data (%s): %s', str(e), data)
[docs] def perform_read(self, connection): """ reads from the socket and populates the read queue :param connection: a socket that is ready to write """ data = None try: data = connection.recv(self.recv_chunk_size) except socket.error as e: self.on.tcp_disconnect.shout(str(e)) logger.warning('failed to read data of chunk size: %s', self.recv_chunk_size) return if not data: return self.read_queue.put(data, block=False, timeout=3) self.on.ready_to_read.shout(self)
[docs] def send(self, data, timeout=3): """adds bytes to the be sent in the next time the socket is ready :param data: the data to be sent :param timeout: ``int`` in seconds """ self.write_queue.put(data, block=False, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def receive(self, timeout=3): """retrieves a message from the queue, returns ``None`` if there are no messages. :param timeout: ``int`` in seconds """ return self.read_queue.get(block=False, timeout=timeout)
[docs] def loop_once(self, timeout=3): """entrypoint for any mainloop. basically call this continuously to keep the connection up """ self.socket.setblocking(False) socket = socket_ready(self.socket, timeout) if self.perform_read( if socket.write: self.perform_write(socket.write)
# def downgrade_to_tcp(self, reconnect_timeout_in_seconds=3): # if not self.tls_context: # logger.warning("already downgraded to TCP") # return # self.tls_context = None # try: # self.socket = self.socket.unwrap() # except (AttributeError, socket.error): # self.socket = None # self.reconnect(reconnect_timeout_in_seconds) # else: # self.on.tcp_downgraded.shout({ # 'socket': self.socket.fileno(), # 'host':, # }) # def upgrade_to_tls(self, domain, ssl_version, **kw): # if self.tls_context: # raise RuntimeError('already upgraded!') # self.tls_context = TLSContext(ssl_version, **kw) # try: # ssl_socket = self.tls_context.upgrade_and_verify(domain, self.socket) # except TLSUpgradeError as e: # return self.on.tls_failed.shout(e) # if hasattr(self.socket, 'socket'): # # We are using a testing socket, so preserve the top # # layer of wrapping. # self.socket.socket = ssl_socket # else: # self.socket = ssl_socket # self.on.tls_established.shout(self) class ConnectionInterrupted(Exception): pass # class TLSContext(object): # """object containing contextual information regarding a TLS # Connection""" # def __init__(self, ssl_version, certfile=None, keyfile=None, ca_certs=None, ciphers=None): # self._DER_CERT = None # self._socket = None # if ca_certs is None: # cert_policy = ssl.CERT_NONE # else: # cert_policy = ssl.CERT_REQUIRED # self.__client_args = { # 'certfile': certfile, # 'keyfile': keyfile, # 'ca_certs': ca_certs, # 'cert_reqs': cert_policy, # 'do_handshake_on_connect': False, # "ssl_version": ssl_version, # } # if sys.version_info >= (2, 7): # self.__client_args['ciphers'] = ciphers # def get_peer_pem_cert(self): # if not self._DER_CERT: # return # PEM = ssl.DER_cert_to_PEM_cert(self._DER_CERT) # return PEM # def get_client_args(self): # """ # :returns: a copy of the client args # """ # return self.__client_args.copy() # def set_der_cert(self, cert): # """ # :param cert: a string with DER cert # """ # self._DER_CERT = cert # def wrap_socket(self, S): # """ # :param S: a socket # """ # S.setblocking(True) # ssl_socket = ssl.wrap_socket(S, **self.get_client_args()) # try: # ssl_socket.do_handshake() # S.setblocking(False) # except (socket.error, ssl.SSLError) as e: # raise TLSUpgradeError(e, self) # return ssl_socket # def verify_peer_cert(self, domain, socket): # """ # :param domain: # :param socket: # """ # DER_CERT = socket.getpeercert(binary_form=True) # self.set_der_cert(DER_CERT) # try: # security.verify_certificate(domain, DER_CERT) # except security.CertificateError as e: # raise TLSUpgradeError(e, self.tls_context) # def upgrade_and_verify(self, domain, socket): # """ # :param domain: # :param socket: # """ # ssl_socket = self.wrap_socket(socket) # self.verify_peer_cert(domain, ssl_socket) # return ssl_socket # class TLSUpgradeError(Exception): # def __init__(self, error, context): # self.error = error # self.context = context # message = '{0}'.format(error) # super(TLSUpgradeError, self).__init__(message)